Sticking to a Summer Schedule

Routines are important throughout the year, and shouldn’t be forgotten when summer rolls around. Aim to keep to a schedule this season so your productivity level doesn’t falter.

Summer Schedule


Make a bucket list.

A bucket list to complete for summer adds structure and an element of fun to the season. Whether goals small or big, this can make your family take on new adventures and have that much-needed bonding time.

Commit to a sleeping schedule.

It’s imperative to stick to a strict sleep schedule during the school year, whereas throughout the summer, people tend to get lazier with their sleeping patterns. Sleeping in is okay, and sometimes needed, but don’t get into a habit of doing so every day.

Keep a chore chart.

Similar to sticking to a relatively normal sleeping schedule, making sure the kids are continuing to follow a chore chart is equally important. Don’t let dishes pile up and the laundry basket overflow—instead, keep everyone accountable with a weekly chore chart.

Take up a new hobby.

With more down time, summer can be a great time to take up something new. Incorporating this into your week or everyday life can ensure that there’s some structure to an otherwise leisurely couple of months.

Write things down.

To-do lists, calendars, and planners tend to collect dust in the summer. Try to remember to continue writing down priorities, plans, household chores, and any fun activity in-between. This will keep you on top of your responsibilities both big and small.

Kathleen Belanger
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