4 Tidy Tips from Organizing Pros

Getting your home organized is a lifelong battle. For the project-minded people, it may feel like it should be a one-and-done event, but the experts have different views. Setting aside time throughout key points in the year to organize can be the difference between chaos and calm. These four tidy tips are sure to help you all year long.


Act Now
Instead of waiting and searching for the “perfect” solution, find a solution that is helpful in the here and now. You can always change things up down the road, if needed, but a less-than-perfect organized space is far better than a messy space in limbo.

Organize Only What You Value
Organizing takes time, brain power and a financial investment. Wasting your time and money organizing items that are truly clutter won’t help you feel at ease in your home. Before you dive in and buy totes and shelves, decide if what you are organizing is truly something you want in your home long-term. If it doesn’t have value to you, simply donate it and move on to items you love.

Only Keep Items for the Life You Have Now
Items in your home that you no longer need tend to pile up. Experts refer to this as aspirational clutter. For example, a closet full of business clothes for a stay-at-home parent, or the hobbyist painter who never bought all the supplies, you may have realized it’s just not your thing. If you know you will one day get back to the activity, it may be okay to keep a few select items. Otherwise, use that valuable storage space for items that are valuable to your life right now. 

Start Small Projects
Experts recommend that you don’t try to do everything at once, as this will generally leave your home more messy. Trying to tackle too much at one time can also be incredibly overwhelming. Instead, tackle small projects to give yourself a feeling of satisfaction. Divide and conquer your organizing needs by room, or even alcoves, within a space. You’ll feel far more motivated to organize the rest of your bedroom knowing that the bookshelf finally looks great. If you have to stop in the middle of your project, you’ll at least have one thing done, not a whole house full of piles to go through later.

Kathleen Belanger
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