Cutting Smaller Espenses Can Help Save Big Money
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Saving money is often easier said than done, but if you’re serious about bulking up your savings account, there are ways to achieve your financial goals. And while eliminating vacations, canceling your cable subscription or getting rid of your car and relying on public transportation can help you save big chunks of money, these may not be practical solutions for you and your family.

If eliminating big expenses is too difficult, take a step back and focus on cutting smaller expenses that won’t i...
Command the Stage with These Tips to Save Money!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Selling a home is hard work, and the staging process can be intimidating. Many people think about how expensive the staging process will be, but with these tips, it doesn’t have to be!


Starting fresh

It can be tough to stage a home when furniture has been removed by the homeowner, but no need to fear! Of course, you don’t have to go out and buy new furniture. The easiest way to save money is use what you already have, pick up pieces from goodwill or a used furniture store like “Restore”. Thes...
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Your College Loans
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Did you know student loans are one of the largest forms of debt in America? Paying off college loans is essential to cementing your financial future. To help you successfully navigate the complexities of borrowing, suggests steering clear of these common repayment mistakes:

1. Losing track of loans. Graduating with an average of eight to 12 loans, students might forget about one of their loans, pay late or even default. Payments are due even if the lender doesn’t send a statement o...
How to Save Money If You Have Limited Income
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Everybody wants to save money to buy a house, take a vacation or be able to retire comfortably. If you have limited income, those goals can seem out of reach. It can be hard to save money if you don’t have much coming in, but there are ways that you can trim your spending and be able to set some money aside for the future.

Cut Expenses

For most families, housing is the biggest monthly expense. If you own a house, consider refinancing your mortgage to lower your monthly payments. That will exten...
What is a Negotiated Debt Settlement?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

If you’re buried by credit card debt, a negotiated debt settlement with your creditor may be worth checking into. Negotiated debt settlement is a general term for discharging debt in a way that appeals to the credit card holder and the card’s issuer.

It’s best to negotiate from a position of strength by not having submitted late payments or having missed them, which can cause a credit score to fall. If that happens, cardholders will likely have a harder time getting concessions in a negotiated...
What to Know Before Giving Your Kid a Debit Card
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Teaching your child about money by giving them a piggy bank or having them earn an allowance by doing household chores is a great start to learning about how to earn and save money.

Spending wisely, however, is another lesson. And it will probably come away from home and without adult supervision.

A debit card—usually linked to a parent’s checking account—or a prepaid debit card can help children learn how to manage money jointly with their parents. Their spending can be monitored, such as thro...
Organizing Your Finances as a College Graduate
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

If you’ve just graduated from college, this is the perfect time to establish smart financial habits. With hopefully a full-time job awaiting, this is the time to establish habits you’ll continue throughout your life.

Where to start? It’s likely you’ve racked up some student loan debt. The good news is that federal student loans come with a grace period after graduation of usually six months. Borrowers don’t have to make payments during this time and can use that time to make sure they have a pa...
Kathleen Belanger
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