Maintaining a Naturally Bug-Free Home
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

No matter how clean we are or what we do, sometimes it seems like our homes are a haven for all kinds of critters. But instead of turning to harsh chemicals to shoo them away, try utilizing one of these all-natural tips that are tried and true.

Break out the essential oils
Natural oils, such as mint, vanilla, lavender, and lemongrass, are known to naturally repel insects. Keeping some in a bowl diluted with a little water should keep things like ants and spiders off of countertops.



How to Design a Water-Efficient Garden
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Water is a precious resource, and the cost is rising all the time. By evaluating your garden designs and watering habits, it’s easy to eliminate inefficient practices that waste water. Follow these tips to dramatically reduce your water consumption and lower your water bill, while still nurturing a beautiful and productive garden.


Choose plants carefullyA plant that’s satisfied by getting most of the water it needs from natural rainfall will require a lot less work from you. Native plants hav...
Ways to Reduce Food Waste
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Food waste is a major issue in households across the U.S. Too often, we unintentionally buy or cook more food than necessary and then decide to throw out the extras. Reducing food waste not only helps conserve resources and protect the environment from more landfill gases–it could also save you a lot of money.

Shop SmartOne of the most effective ways to ensure you don’t waste food at home is determining what to buy at the grocery store. Plan your meals for the week ahead, and prepare a detailed...
How to Save The Earth and Your Wallet
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

For many people, adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is high on the list of worthwhile efforts. For others, it’s all about stashing cash. Consumer editors at Good Housekeeping Magazine suggest a few simple and relatively inexpensive tips that can aid in both pursuits:

Lighten up on laundry. Tests show that switching from a top-load to a front-loading washer can cut your water use by half for a full load. And washing clothes in cold water versus hot can save you up to 25 cents per load. Conserve...
Kathleen Belanger
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