Staging Tips to Transform Your Home
CENTURY 21 Select Group 11 months ago

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Nowhere does this saying strike a greater chord than in the real estate industry, where most buyers jump to a conclusion about a potential home after just one glance.

One way to make your home stand out is to consult with a professional home stager. The idea behind bringing in a stager is creating a positive and memorable first impression to prospective buyers.

Stagers not only help eliminate clutter, but also provide advice on add...
4 Home Decorating Tips for Summer
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Seasonal decorating doesn’t have to mean pulling out boxes of decorations every time. You want to keep your home decorating simple and clean in the summer. But that doesn’t mean you can't have a bit of extra fun in the summertime. Here are four decorating tips to help you feel more summery in your home this season.

Switch Your Bedding

You can throw off those fuzzy down comforters and swap in lighter blankets. The color can change, too, to reflect the season. Instead of the dark cozy colors of w...
5 Tips to Effectively Stage Your Home This Fall
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

There are so many enjoyable fall activities, from carving pumpkins to lounging around the bonfire. Autumn can also be a great time to enter the housing market. While there may not be as many interested parties as there are during spring and summer, you may face less competition selling your home, and motivated buyers may want to move into a new house before the holidays. However, before potential buyers visit your home, it can be beneficial to stage your house with fall-inspired ideas to help it...

How to Stage Your Home On a Budget
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

Getting your home into prime showing shape is essential to helping it sell in the shortest amount of time for the best possible price. But while a professional home stager can work wonders, it just might not be in your budget. Don’t despair - here are some great ways to inexpensively stage your home all on your own:

Get rid of the excess. The first thing every home stager will do is get rid of the clutter. And that is something anyone can do on your own without spending a dime. Get some boxes an...
Kathleen Belanger
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