Cue Up Family Game Night With a Pool Table
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

If the game of pool brings to mind smoke-filled pool halls, then think again. Pool is relatively easy to learn how to play, yet very difficult to master, which makes it a fun activity for the whole family.

If your new home has a large space that would make for a good game room, then consider a billiard table as the focal point of that space. This guide to the basics of pool table buying can get you started.

Cost Considerations:A pool table is an investment. Basic tables, which are commonly foun...
3 Easy Steps to Taming Your Home's Junk Drawer
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Every home has one: a junk drawer. Although these drawers can be useful for storing miscellaneous items, the problem with them is that they have the funny habit of becoming overrun with, well, junk.

Batteries, small tools, sewing kits, tape, scissors, chip clips, notepads, old coupons, matches, flashlights, stamps, coins, birthday candles, pens and pencils, paper clips, glue, hairbands, chop sticks–you name it. If an item doesn’t have a designated place in a home, inside the junk drawer it goes...
Why and How to Make Your Own Compost
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Protecting the planet and saving money are top priorities for people around the world. The average household throws away large amounts of organic waste that could be used to make compost. Composting can have a significant environmental and financial impact and is easy to do.

How Composting Can Help Protect the Environment and Save MoneyChemical fertilizers that are often used in agriculture provide crops with nutrients over a short period of time, which can be harmful to plants, while compost r...
3 Tips to Improve Your Listening Skills
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Are you having trouble communicating with your partner, friends or colleagues? Do you forget what your friend just told you only minutes after the conversation ended? In a world geared toward multitasking, it can be hard to drop fully into a conversation and just listen. Below are three tips to help you be more present in your conversations.

Ask questions. Don’t just smile and nod. Make your conversation partner feel more heard by asking questions that are relative to what they’re saying. Ask f...
The Essential Camping Checklist
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

There’s nothing like a camping trip to escape from everyday life. Setting up a tent in the wilderness creates an outdoor oasis to enjoy the fresh air, open spaces, and serenity of nature.



However, a successful camping trip requires preparation. You need to pack all the essential items whether you’re renting a rustic cabin, backpacking across mountains, or pitching a tent in your local state park. Running to the store might not be an option once you reach your destination. Use this checklist...
How to Keep the Inside of Your Car Clean
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

No one likes a crumby car seat or a dashboard covered in dust. But as our lives get busier, it seems our cars get dirtier. Below are tips for keeping your car cleaner.

Install a “no-eat” policy. This may be hard for those of us who practically live out of our cars, but by not eating in your vehicle, you will naturally reduce the level of mess inside.

Add a trash bag. Hang a small bag in your car to place receipts and paper trash in. Empty the bag once a week.

Carry a cleaning kit. Keep a rag an...
10 Items You Can Declutter Right Away
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Clutter is the bane of a well-curated home. It’s all too easy to let unnecessary objects pile up in your home. These 10 items are so easy to say goodbye to, you won’t believe you ever let them stay in your home in the first place.

Expired Toiletries

Makeup, lotions, and other toiletries can begin to harvest bacteria and simply go bad as time goes on. Toss expired or old items lurking in your bathroom drawer.

Old Spices

Spices lose their flavor and potency as time goes on. If you sniff your spic...
Kathleen Belanger
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