Why Now Is a Great Time to Tap Into Your Home’s Equity
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

If you’re a homeowner, you’re in luck. US homeowners are currently enjoying a boom in residential equity value. According to CoreLogic’s Homeowner Equity Insights Report, approximately 63 percent of US homeowners are experiencing an equity increase of more than 10.8 percent year over year between Q3 of 2019 and Q3 of 2020. That represents a combined equity value of more than $1 trillion in just one year. During the same period, negative equity fell by 18.3 percent year over year, resulting in gr...

5 Basics to Jumpstart Your Home Gym
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

We all know it; sitting is the new smoking. Everyday experts are coming out with new reasons for us to get our bodies moving to ensure long term health, but it can still be hard to get to the gym while accommodating your busy schedule. If you’re ready to make exercise a little easier on yourself by starting at home, there are a few items you should have to jumpstart your home gym and tackle those excuses.

Non-Slip Exercise Mat

Slipping and tripping is an easy way to set yourself up for an injur...
How to Design a Water-Efficient Garden
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Water is a precious resource, and the cost is rising all the time. By evaluating your garden designs and watering habits, it’s easy to eliminate inefficient practices that waste water. Follow these tips to dramatically reduce your water consumption and lower your water bill, while still nurturing a beautiful and productive garden.


Choose plants carefullyA plant that’s satisfied by getting most of the water it needs from natural rainfall will require a lot less work from you. Native plants hav...
Simple Ways to Save Money on Braces
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

While the cost of braces varies by type, in general, the traditional metal braces that most people get to straighten their teeth cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000.

If braces are in the future for you or another member of your family, figuring out how you’re going to pay for them is critical when it comes to ensuring that you have enough money set aside to cover the expense when the time comes.

For those with dental insurance, the first thing you’ll want to do is look into what’s covered—and w...
No Light? These Plants are Just Right
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Although the wintertime is dark and dreary, there’s no reason you can’t keep your home feeling like spring. These indoor plants require little-to-no natural sunlight and will surely add a sense of cheerfulness to your interior space.

PothosThis popular low-light lover will thrive in any space as long as it’s kept out of full sun. Pothos comes in a variety of colors, including dark green, white and green, yellow and green, and spotted silver. Due to its impressive vines, this plant looks best wh...
Pros and Cons of Wedding Insurance
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Rain, the bride falling into a pool, a wedding cake falling over, and deposit money that’s lost because the venue went out of business a week ago.

What do all of these have in common? They’re all things that can go wrong at a wedding that can be covered by wedding insurance.

Some problems can’t be fixed with money, but this type of insurance — also called special event insurance — can provide financial protection if a wedding has to be put off due to bad weather, natural disasters, death, illne...
States That Won't Tax Your Retirement Income
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Affording to retire can be difficult enough, and having your retirement income taxed can leave you with less money.

To start, the federal government taxes income from a 401(k) retirement plan, traditional IRA or pension, along with taxing Social Security benefits. In addition, most states tax at least some part of retirement income.

However, there are a dozen states that don’t tax the most common types of retirement income: 401(k)s, IRAs and pensions. Below are some quick highlights of how thos...
Kathleen Belanger
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