Credit Card Habits Your Kids Can Take to College
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Starting college is full of all kinds of new experiences. Students are left on their own for probably the first time in their lives, and it can be daunting.

Using a credit card can be one of those “firsts,” and parents can help by explaining how credit cards work and instilling good financial habits in them. Here are some credit card habits students should learn before they get to college:

Have a JobTo get a credit card in their name, students will often have to have a job and a credit history....
Avoiding Dry Winter Skin
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Dry skin can make life uncomfortable and even unbearable. The itching and irritation can make it difficult to focus on important tasks and to get a good night’s sleep. Dry skin may have multiple causes. In many cases, it can be relieved by making lifestyle changes. 

How to Keep Your Skin HydratedHot and dry air in your house can cause or worsen dry skin and make it itchy and flaky. You can prevent or alleviate that by using a portable humidifier or one attached to the furnace. Be sure to clean...
Don't Neglect Your Garage This Winter
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

After the warm weather days are gone, it’s easy to shut your garage door and never look back. Unfortunately, this neglect will lead to stacks of boxes and a large mess  waiting for you as soon as spring begins to bloom. Instead, stay ahead of the game and use these tips to keep your garage organized during the winter—you’ll thank us later!

Do the ultimate purgeTake the time to determine how you want to utilize your garage—maybe you want to be able to park two cars, or store lawn-care equipment—...
Quick Fixes for Common Household Glitches
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Sometimes it seems there’s always something around the house that needs fixing – and the longer you put off doing the fixing, the more the glitches seem to multiply.

Real Simple Magazine suggests quick fixes to help keep your living space looking tip-top without tearing chunks out of your weekend:Squeaky wood floor. The fix isn’t permanent, but for temporary relief from that annoying squeak, sprinkle a little talcum powder over the noisy area, then sweep it into the cracks between floorboards an...
Post-Holiday Cleanup Guide
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

There are two camps of people after the holidays. On January 2, one camp makes a mad dash to tear down the tree and put away every trace of the season. The other camp dreads post-holiday packing and waits until the first buds of spring to arrive to do so.

No matter which camp you fall into, cleaning up after the holidays can be a time-consuming and downright frustrating process. And it’s a reminder that one of the most joyous times of year has come and gone. However, it doesn’t have to be such...
How to Build a Smarter Buyer Wish List
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

There are so many things to think about when deciding to begin a home search. How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? Do you want stairs or are you hoping to have everything on one level? Of course, there’s the all-important question of flooring, countertops, and light fixtures. But what else should you be thinking about—and how can you build a smarter wish list that really adds value?

What does your wish list look like?

When you start perusing listings online, you’re probably spending mos...
Give Thanks with This Gratitude Tree
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

 Looking for a creative way to give thanks this holiday season? This gratitude tree is the perfect project to work on with family and friends.


  • Long, thin branches
  • Tall vase
  • Sand or small pebbles
  • Leaf template
  • Fabric
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Thin wire
  • Cutting pliers or scissors
  • Cardstock
  • Hole punch
  • Marker


1. Place all the branches in the vase, and pour in the sand or pebbles to keep the branches in place.2. Using a leaf template, cut leaf sh...
Kathleen Belanger
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