Why Eating a Nutritions Breakfast is So Important
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

You have probably read or been told that eating a healthy breakfast is important. Many people don’t eat in the morning because they are in a hurry or they grab something that is convenient, but not nutritious. If you don’t usually have a healthy breakfast, eating something nutritious before your day gets into full swing can provide numerous benefits.

Reasons to Eat BreakfastEating in the morning can help your body burn calories throughout the day. You fast while you are asleep and wake up with...
Why Drinking Plenty of Water is Important
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Consuming enough water can allow your body to function as it should and help you stay healthy. These are some of the many reasons why it’s important to stay hydrated.

Oral Health, Digestion and Weight Loss
Saliva helps to break down food and wash away food particles to prevent cavities. Water is one of the primary components of saliva. Age and some medications and medical treatments may reduce saliva production. Consuming more water may help.

Drinking water before, during and after meals can aid...
5 Financial Tips for First-Time Parents
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

So a babe is on the way? Congrats! Along with the chaos of, well, everything that is to come, your finances are about to experience an upheaval, as well. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it will cost upwards of $245,000 to raise a child born in 2013 to the age of 18—and this does not include college. Feeling that bank account burn already? Below are five tips for rocking your budget as a new mom or dad.

1. Tweak the budget. Your new little one is going to cost a pretty penny. Fr...
What Is Grass Recycling?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Most homeowners are used to mowing their lawn, then raking the grass clippings or removing the bag on the mower and disposing of the cut grass. There is an easy way to save time and money and help your lawn stay healthy. Grass recycling, or grasscycling, is the practice of leaving cut grass on the lawn after mowing to mulch the grass with its own clippings. 

Reasons to Recycle Grass ClippingsGrass recycling can cut down on the amount of time required for routine lawn care. It helps the grass re...
New Year, New DIY Projects
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

The New Year provides us the opportunity to make positive changes, a blank slate so to speak. While many are busy making personal improvements, January can actually be an ideal time to tackle minor updates to your house.

With a little creativity and patience, these easy and affordable projects will give your living space a much-needed facelift this year.

Replace outdated hardwareAlthough they’re highly desirable, kitchen renovations are expensive—thousands of dollars expensive. Instead of s...
Surprising Home Maintenance Tasks that You're Probably Forgetting
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Every homeowner wants to protect their home and properly care for their investment. To do this, you need to keep up on regular and seasonal maintenance tasks. While you may be focused on those recurring seasonal tasks, like changing your HVAC filters for instance, there are some that you have likely forgotten. To effectively care for your home and its appliances, be sure to put these important tasks on your to-do list.



Test Your Smoke AlarmsSmoke alarms are vital to your home and its reside...
Make Your Home Stand Out With Millennial Pink
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Like the generation it’s named for, millennial pink is all around us. It’s a fun, daring, sophisticated hue that isn’t exactly new, but lately seems to have caught the eye of legions of clothing and décor designers.

Not quite salmon, not quite rose and a far cry from traditional Barbie pink—millennial pink can best be described as a soft, subtle pink with some gray tones and a slight hint of peach. It’s hard to miss if you’re browsing the racks for trendy clothes or checking out the newest pain...
Kathleen Belanger
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